
About Us

The sale of vanilla in Europe and worldwide has long been played, plagued, and delayed but arbitrage and adventurous middlemen who repurpose, import, and mark up vanilla beans from 50 to 300%, over the years, to corner the market and control it. As time crept by and the internet rose and these technologies came to the countryside in Madagascar, the children of the vanilla farmers in the island like us began to study abroad in France, the UK, Germany, and the USA. In recent years our team, a group of young local vanilla families in SAVA in Madagascar, studied the supply chain and voyage of vanilla in the global market, and decided to bring it all directly.
For a long time the only interaction of Malagasy (Madagascar native) curers farmers and exporters was with large wholesalers from France and Europe who dictated price, cynically coached “sustainable” development whilst really just overlapping price and quality control, and saw the vanilla the rest of its way to table. Mada Vanilla Shop was build to form an “aircraft carrier” in Europe to skip all of these people and sell to the same customers ourselves, for much, much cheaper.

The vanilla you receive from MVS is identical, even quite literally (as the giant Euro companies buy from us by the tonnage each year too,) to the pods on the market in Europe. We have direct control over quality and triage, and can answer and adjust faster, and sell at prices that make our farmers very happy but you the customer even happier. If you live in Europe, you can receive your vanilla in days with shipping included and order online just like on Amazon (a lot of our beans are in Amazon brands too.) If you are a large importer and want to go big, we can do that too, or you can even come pick up from us!